About Us

SHOES FOR A CAUSE is a not for profit organization and works at the grassroot level. It is also an all volunteer nonprofit organization that is focused on obtaining and collecting shoe donations especially from MUDRUN EVENTS, shoe donations from curb alerts and shoe donations from community members as well.


"Shoes keeps you going, just by having a pair boost’s your self esteem."


Our ultimate goal is to provide donated shoes for shoeless people for worthy causes.


Our mission is geared towards helping impoverished people to have a pair of shoe of their own and health support to enhance their lives.


The donated shoes are directly shipped in the northern part of the Philippines which is the remotest part. We have donated in the community of Tuba and the community of Kapangan. These said communities consists of sub communities which are called barangays. We make sure to it that the donated shoes will be distributed to the grassrot levels of the community. Our messengers there and volunteers are the one responsible to dispatch it to the said communities.


SHOES FOR A CAUSE was founded two years ago, We started out by getting shoes from yard/garage sales, curb alerts and shoe donations from friends and other individuals who supports us. The shoes we collected are then shipped to the Philippines and the social workers assigned are the one in charge of the shoe distribution, they are also responsible for the feeding programs conducted in the community through fund raising some of the boxes of shoes then later the proceeds will go to the feeding program.

We later on tried to knock doors of mudrun event organizers/facilitators to consider our cause to pick up shoe donation after their said event. We already just catered to four mudrun events and we shipped a total of 5,000 pairs of shoes that were distributed.

We also try other shoe donation organizations and individuals. Some of these are the DONATE YOUR OLD SHOES charity located in San Diego where they donated 200 pairs of shoes. There are also other indiviuials who already donated to us like Ms Rosa Silva and Ms. Donna Martinez who are always so supportive.

We are still looking for shoe donors like you. We believe in the saying that says “An echo of kindness will echo through a lifetime”. By merely donating, its a gesture of giving and sharing to others a little of what have to those less fortunate ones who have nothing compared to us. Thank you very much.



SHOES FOR A CAUSE distributes used shoes to the impoverished community in the Northern part of the Philippines.

We also conduct Feeding Programs which benefits malnourished kids for healthy growth and development this is done in association with organizations and local government units and its usually done twice a year.


Having a pair of shoe to others is fashion and to some an everyday outfit but some less unfortunate ones it is a necessity. While, we are so fortunate enough to have a pair of shoe for ourselves there are those who seldom cannot afford to have one. This holds through with the farmers and their families in the far flung areas of Benguet (northern part of the Philippines). Everyday, they walk miles going to their farms stepping on mud, stones and rocks and taking to consideration from the scorching heat of the sun and wet pathwalks during rainy season. They put themselves at risk for foot borne diseases and susceptible to infections.

We, at SHOES FOR A CAUSE believes that it’s not how many miles we have placed on our pair of shoe that matters but what is important is as long as it is still durable, wearable to be donated and still can be used by others that is all that matters. It’s like in sharing and donating our shoes there’s a part of us that shares our life’s journey to others by the pair of shoe we donate because shoe take us every day to certain destinations in our daily endeavors in life, in that way by donating a pair of shoe it’s like we travel together with those less fortunate ones in their quest of lives and giving them hope and joy to face their day to day.

SHOES FOR A CAUSE WAS FOUNDED in the belief that everybody should have a pair of shoe most especially those at the grass root level to protect their feet from footborne diseases and infections.

Another program, is the Feeding program for children in the said communities also wherein they cannot afford to eat three times a day. We have this program because we believe that proper nutrition greatly affects good development of children so once in a while we conduct feeding program headed by the social workers in the community.

We are looking to people and organization like you who can share a pair of shoe to our organization and together we can make a difference in the lives of others. A pair of shoe you donate today will someday help others walk with dignity not walking barefooted no more and someday will also feed a kid someday. God Bless us all.

Yours Sincerely,

Rommel Densen


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